On April 1st, youth from around the country, and right here in Cortland, will speak up against Big Tobacco in recognition of Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action (formerly Kick Butts Day).
The initiative not only empowers students to say no to tobacco and e-cigarettes, but also gives them the tools to become a tobacco-free generation.
However, they cannot do it alone.
They require the support and conversations of their families, teachers, and communities at large. These conversations include policies that prevent tobacco products marketed toward youth. We must hold the tobacco industry accountable for its actions and to change the social norms that support those actions.
What’s happening locally?
Students involved in the Reality Check program in Cortland County will be decorating delicious treats with messages advocating for a tobacco-free tomorrow, posting them on social media, and sharing with local leaders.
How can you get involved?
- Talk to your kids about the risks of using tobacco (including vaping products). Ask your child to think about how they’ve been targeted, manipulated and used by tobacco companies.
- Join your kids in chalking your sidewalk, decorating a favorite treat, or come up with other creative ways to express healthy, tobacco-free messaging. Share them on your social media page and tag @realitycheckctc.
- Write or call local policymakers letting them know that tobacco promotions and access don’t align with healthy values. Make it a family endeavor!
- Encourage your child to join the Reality Check program right here in Cortland County. It is their generation being impacted and their involvement matters! Learn more at www.tfreezone.net/realitycheck