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How To Set Boundaries With Your Teen Regarding Marijuana Use

How To Set Boundaries With Your Teen Regarding Marijuana Use

According to a recent survey, over half of Cortland County students reported not talking to their parents about drugs in the past year.1 This highlights the importance of parents taking an active role in educating their children about the dangers of marijuana use.

One important step in preventing underage use of marijuana is setting clear rules and consequences. The survey also found that 94% of students without marijuana use reported their parents would feel it would be wrong if the student smoked marijuana, while only 53% of students who use marijuana reported negative parent perception.1 This suggests that clear communication and expectations can help deter marijuana use.

To establish boundaries and consequences for marijuana use, parents can communicate their expectations to their children and clearly explain why marijuana use is not allowed in the home. It’s important to be consistent in following through on any consequences set for marijuana use, as consistency is key in establishing boundaries and consequences.

  1. Clear rules and consequences: It is important for parents to clearly communicate their expectations about marijuana use to their teens. This includes setting clear rules around whether or not marijuana use is allowed, and what the consequences will be if those rules are broken.2
  2. Avoiding peer pressure: Parents should talk with their teens about the dangers of peer pressure and how to handle situations where friends may be using marijuana. Teens should be empowered to say no to peer pressure and to make their own decisions about drug use.2
  3. Open communication: It is important for parents to maintain an open and honest dialogue with their teens about marijuana use. This means listening to their concerns and experiences, and providing guidance and support as needed. By fostering an environment of trust and respect, parents can help their teens make informed and responsible choices about drug use.2

As the youth in your life grows and changes, it’s important to review and adjust the boundaries and consequences as needed. This can involve being open to feedback and adjusting your approach as necessary. Youth also benefit from specific instructions. “Be smart” and “make good decisions” seems easy to understand what they mean, but could have very different meanings to different people. Ask yourself, “what am I saying when I tell them to be smart?”. “Be smart” might translate into “If you are with your friends and someone has marijuana, I want you to assure me you will not use it”. It’s important to note that consequences should be age-appropriate and proportional to the behavior, and should focus on addressing the underlying issues rather than punishment alone.

To promote the well-being of youth, it is essential to encourage healthy activities and lead by example, particularly by avoiding marijuana use and demonstrating the impact of our actions on others.

  • Encouraging healthy activities can benefit youth by providing them with positive outlets for stress and building self-esteem and healthy relationships.3
  • Suggesting activities such as sports, music, or volunteering can be effective ways to help them engage in healthy pursuits.3
  • Leading by example and avoiding marijuana use can show children the importance of making healthy choices.3
  • Demonstrating the impact that their actions can have on others can help children understand the importance of being mindful of their behavior.3

In Cortland County, those who reported marijuana use in their lifetime were twice as likely to report their family not having clear rules about other drugs, emphasizing the importance of setting clear boundaries and expectations around drug use.1 By communicating your expectations, being consistent, reviewing and adjusting as needed, encouraging healthy activities, and leading by example, you can help ensure that your children make healthy choices and avoid the negative consequences of marijuana use.


  1. Cortland Area Communities That Care (CACTC). Results and Analysis: The 2022 Cortland County Youth Survey. February 2023.
  2. Marijuana: What you need to know to help protect children, teens and young adults. Partnership to End Addiction. (2023, February 27). Retrieved March 8, 2023, from 
  3. 5 activities to keep your teen off drugs: CA: Destination for teens. Destinations For Teens Mental Health Treatment Center. (2018, October 16). Retrieved March 8, 2023, from